Our Mission Is To Provide Kids With Horseback Riding, Educational Opportunities, and empowerment Programs for all.
MET’s Financial Aid program, managed by TADS, is available to our 2022-2023 applying students and families.
Once you have completed a 2023-2024 Admissions Application for one our programs, families have the option to apply for financial aid. Regardless if you hae applied for Financial Aid in previous years or If this is your first-time logging into the new TADS Financial Aid portal, you will need to create an account and start the application process. Please complete the sections. When locating the school on the Financial Aid application, families will key in the “Partner Code” – 200591 or type in the school’s name Metropolitan Equestrian Team. After this step, please complete the rest of the application, you will be able to pay and submit your financial aid application for a TADS fee of $60 once all of the required areas have green check marks. (MET will fully reimburse the TADS/Community Brands Financial Aid Application Assessment Fee to our awarded applicants.)
If you need further assistance with your TADS/Community Brands Financial Aid Application, please call the TADS Family Support line, 800-344-8328 between the hours of 8:00am-6:00pm Central Standard Time. You can also email TADS Family Support at sssandtadsfa@communitybrands.com